Thursday, July 1, 2010

Say Something

Here's one of the PSA's that the students created in the Film Institute.

Mak Shau!

So, I've been teaching in a two-week intensive Film Institute at Northeastern Illinois University.  I'm not a film-maker, but someone decided I should teach screenwriting for this project.  So we had 32 high school students, and two weeks.  We divided up into four teams.  Each team came up with a concept for a PSA, wrote a script, created a storyboard, filmed the PSA, edited it, created their credits,  and put together a movie poster.  All the students wrote an artist statement. 

There were eight adults working very closely with the students on everything from acting, filming, editing, and writing. 

Why all these numbers?  Because, supposedly, numbers are concrete.  People like numbers.  They like data.  I can't stand data or numbers.  I can't add.  I can't subtract without a calculator.  Numbers make me dizzy...which leads me to a Beatles reference...

This experience was awesome, but CRAZY.

It reminds me of the Beatles playing in Hamburg to rowdy crowds yelling, Mak shau!  Mak shau!

I think we did it.  I think we made a good show.