Super Aikido Girl begins the day in meditation aligning all the energies of the universe within herself. The time taken to do this is a worthy investment because it makes the world clearer. The colors are sharper. Her eyes and ears are more observant. In turn, the universe offers many gifts. She catches sights of great acrobatic squirrels in the tree outside of her apartment. She notices the surprised smile of the CTA worker at the train station when she nods a hello. People make space for her on the train platform. When you make space for the universe, the universe makes space for you. Ahhh, yes, young grasshopper
But it is not all sweetness and light, because I did say she has aligned all the energies that are darker, murkier than others.
She can see pain. The woman with the scrunched up face on the train. She looks constipated. No, she looks wretched. Super Aikido Girl, acknowledges the wretchedness--there's no worse thing to do that to deny wretchedness. Whatever you deny will present itself over and over again, louder and bolder and more forcefully until you acknowledge it. So she does. And she imagines a smoothing out of the lines on the woman's face. A release of weight....
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